Top 7 Amazing Benefits of Watermelon Sexually for Men (Don't Miss!)

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Top 7 Amazing Benefits of Watermelon Sexually for Men (Don't Miss!)

If you're looking to spice up your sex life, watermelon might just be the surprising answer. This popular summer fruit offers several benefits that can make your intimate experiences more enjoyable and rewarding. Not only is watermelon a delicious snack but it's also packed with vitamins and minerals that promote sexual health. From enhancing blood flow and boosting libido to increasing arousal, watermelon has numerous advantages for your sexual well-being. Here's an in-depth look at how incorporating this juicy treat into your sexual activities can benefit both men's and women's health and pleasure.

Let’s begin with watermelon's nutritional profile and its benefits.

Nutritional Profile of Watermelon:

Watermelon consists mostly of water (91%) and carbs (7.5%). It provides almost no protein or fat and is very low in calories. Before exploring its specific benefits for sexual health, it's important to understand the nutritional profile of watermelon.

Watermelon is rich in:

  • Vitamins: A, B6, and C
  • Minerals: Potassium and magnesium
  • Antioxidants: Lycopene and beta-carotene
  • Amino acids: Importantly citrulline

Let’s see the nutrients in 100gms of watermelon:


Per 100gms






0.6 grams


7.6 grams


6.2 grams


0.4 grams


0.2 grams

Watermelon is low in calories and rich in water content, making it a hydrating, nutrient-dense food choice. These nutritional components are the foundation of its potential health benefits, including those related to sexual health.

A 2014 study evaluated male rats treated with watermelon extract and found a significant increase in libido. Rats that consumed the extract were more likely to mount females and initiate intercourse. The study concluded that watermelon might be a viable treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED). Additionally, there were no serious side effects, and the rats did not experience weight gain from the extract. (Reference)

Benefits of Watermelon Sexually

Watermelon isn't just a tasty summer treat, it offers numerous sexual health benefits, particularly for men dealing with erectile dysfunction (ED). High in citrulline, watermelon helps relax blood vessels and improve circulation, easing ED caused by poor blood flow.

Following are some of the most important benefits of Watermelon Sexually.

1. Boosting Libido

Watermelon is packed with citrulline, an amino acid that improves sexual health and performance. Citrulline converts to arginine in the body, which relaxes blood vessels and enhances blood flow to sexual organs, similar to the effects of Viagra. Additionally, watermelon contains bromelain, which helps balance sex hormones and can boost testosterone levels in men.

A 2017 study explored the impact of citrulline and arginine on erectile function by measuring these amino acids in 122 men with erectile dysfunction (ED). The researchers discovered that men with ED, especially those with arteriogenic erectile dysfunction, had lower levels of one or both amino acids. This finding suggests that boosting citrulline and arginine levels could enhance erectile function. (Reference)

2. Improving Blood Circulation

Citrulline in watermelon helps relax arterial walls, increasing blood flow throughout the body, including the sexual organs. This boost in circulation enhances arousal and performance for both men and women.

A 2011 study followed 24 men with mild erectile dysfunction (ED) over two months. Participants took a placebo for one month and a citrulline supplement for the other. Only two men saw their erections return to normal hardness levels with the placebo. In contrast, half of the men taking citrulline experienced significant improvements, achieving normal erection hardness.

Additionally, those taking citrulline increased their average monthly intercourse from 1.37 to 2.3 sessions. However, none of the men reported any side effects from the citrulline supplement. (Reference)

3. Natural Viagra

Sexual Performance often referred to as nature’s Viagra, watermelon’s high citrulline content helps increase blood flow and reduce the physical stress that comes with sexual activity. Regular consumption can lead to improved sexual performance.

By boosting blood flow to the penis, Viagra facilitates a man's ability to more readily achieve an erection when stimulated. Citrulline may have a similar effect as Viagra, however it functions differently. (Reference)

4. Enhancing Sexual Endurance

The antioxidants, amino acids, and vitamins in watermelon can increase energy levels and stamina during sex, contributing to longer-lasting and more pleasurable experiences. Improved circulation also helps maintain arousal throughout sexual activity.

5. Boosting Testosterone Levels

Watermelon’s high lycopene content supports the production of male hormones. Studies show that watermelon can improve libido, increase vigour and stamina, and support fertility by boosting testosterone levels.

6. Supporting Fertility

Citrulline in watermelon improves blood flow, enhancing sexual health and supporting reproductive functions. Lycopene helps prevent sperm clumping, promoting better fertility.

7. Hydration Benefits

High water content makes watermelon excellent for hydration, supporting overall health and bodily functions.

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Practical Tips for Including Watermelon in Your Diet:

Watermelon has several benefits for sexual health, so think of creative ways to include it in your diet every day.

  • Fresh Slices: Eating fresh watermelon slices for dessert or as a snack is the easiest method.
  • Smoothies: Blend watermelon with other fruits and a bit of yoghourt or milk for a refreshing and nutritious smoothie.
  • Salads: Add watermelon chunks to salads for a sweet and juicy twist.
  • Juices: Fresh watermelon juice is a hydrating and delicious beverage.
  • Frozen Treats: Freeze watermelon cubes for a cool, refreshing treat on hot days.

However, watermelon is not a substitute for medical treatments, its rich content of citrulline, lycopene, vitamins, and hydration properties can support sexual health by enhancing blood flow, reducing oxidative stress, boosting libido, and improving overall wellness. Including this refreshing fruit in your diet can be a delicious and natural way to promote better sexual function and confidence.

For those seeking a fast and effective solution for enhanced sexual wellness, the Testoboost & Vitality Boost Kit from ForMen is a superior option. This comprehensive kit includes Perform Max, Man-Up Max Tablets, and Testoboost, designed to improve libido, performance, and vitality. With natural ingredients and a scientifically backed formula, this kit ensures strong erections and overall sexual satisfaction, making it a reliable choice for instant results.

Buy ForMen Testoboost and Vitality Boost Kit

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*** This Article is Written by Swetha Ramala.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this page is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any questions or concerns about your health, please talk to a healthcare professional.

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