Top 10 Best Herbal Home Remedies for Strong and Thick Hair Growth

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Top 10 Best Herbal Home Remedies for Strong and Thick Hair Growth

Did you know that it’s normal to lose around 50 to 100 strands of hair per day? Though hair fall is often associated with men, over 50% of women experience significant hair fall. While there are several ways to stop hair fall and reverse hair loss, Ayurvedic herbs for hair growth have been growing in popularity.

But, are Ayurvedic herbs effective for hair growth and thickness? Let’s understand more!

Are Ayurvedic Herbs Home Remedies Good for Hair Growth Treatment?​​

Ayurveda is the ancient medical system that emphasizes holistic living. This traditional Indian system is based on three doshas – VataPitta and Kapha. Ayurveda believes that an imbalance in one or more of these doshas results in diseases. And so, the treatment of diseases by Ayurveda begins with one’s internal purification process using a nutritious diet, herbal remedies, yoga, and meditation.

According to Ayurveda, hair loss occurs when there is an exacerbation of the Pitta dosha. Though many factors like hectic lifestyle, stressful routines, poor eating habits and pollution can cause hair fall, this age-old medicine system promises to reverse it and restore your crowning glory. 

The use of natural ingredients like Ayurvedic herbs for hair provides the best possible care and nutrients required by your hair. For this reason, they are used in various skin and hair care products like face masks, shampoos, conditioners, and even hair oils. 

Best Herbs for Hair Regrowth Treatment

There are plenty of ayurvedic herbs for tackling hair fall. Most Ayurvedic herbs that are good for your mane have moisturizing properties, and the right choice of herb for your hair depends upon your hair woes. 

The most effective ayurvedic herbs list for hair growth treatment includes - Bhringraj, Amla, Shatavari, Guduchi, Brahmi, Jatamansi, fenugreek, Panikoorka, Kalmegh, and Manjistha.

Let’s look at how these powerful herbs help prevent hair loss and promote hair growth.

1. Bhringraj

Talk of the best ayurvedic herbs for hair, and Bhringraj will always feature on that list. Reason? Well, this herb has many hair health-promoting properties! Bhringraj belongs to the sunflower family, and the oil extracted from it is commonly used in many hair care products. It is also available as a powder and Churna.

How Bhringraj Helps Hair?

Few hair benefits of this herb are:

  • Prevents Greying: Thanks to its potent antioxidant properties.
  • Soothes the Scalp: Bhringraj oil is a very effective ayurvedic oil for itchy and flaky scalp.
  • Promotes Hair Growth: Applying and massaging in Bhingraj oil improves blood circulation and provides the necessary nutrients that promote hair growth.

How to use Bhringraj for Hair?

A wide range of Bhringraj hair products is readily available today. You can pick from oils to shampoos and conditioners that contain this magical Ayurvedic herb and watch your mane grow thick and healthy.

If you wish to prepare Bhringraj oil at home, combine the herb with coconut or almond oils. However, this might be a bit tedious. Combining Bhringraj oil with Brahmi oil is known to elevate hair benefits.

You can try Bhringraj-enriched Hair serum on ForMen and bid adieu to all your mane woes! Shop now!

ForMen Hair Growth Serum
Buy ForMen Hair Growth Serum

2. Shatavari

A member of the asparagus family, Shatavari contains several chemical compounds good for your hair and body. It is mainly known for its hair growth properties.

How Shatavari Helps Hair?

  • Soothes the Scalp: Due to Shatavari’s anti-inflammatory properties, this herb reduces inflammation and any form of scalp irritation, thereby promoting hair growth.
  • Acts as a Stress Buster: Shatavari is an adaptogenic herb that enables your body to cope with physical and emotional stresses resulting in hair loss. With less stress, your hair can grow strong and healthy.
  • Strengthening Hair: Shatavari is known to support the roots of the hair and strengthen them. It also helps add lustre and maintains your natural hair colour.

How to use Shatavari for Hair?

Add one tablespoon of Shatavari herb powder to a cup of milk or ½ teaspoon of the powder in warm water. Mix well and consume.

3. Guduchi (Giloy)

Guduchi, also called Giloy, is a commonly used herb in Ayurveda that possesses healing properties. 

How Guduchi Benefits Hair?

  • Promotes Hair Growth: Guduchi has strong antioxidant properties that help reduce hair problems and promote hair growth.
  • Keeps the Scalp Healthy: The anti-inflammatory properties of this herb help reduce dandruff and other scalp-related ailments. This helps improve hair health.

This herb’s strong astringent and pungent nature helps keep scalp issues and other hair problems at bay, keeping your tresses happy and healthy.

How to Use Guduchi for Hair?

Guduchi is usually used externally for hair benefits. Take a few Guduchi leaves and make a fine paste. To this, add honey or rose water. Mix well. Apply this paste to your scalp and hair. Leave it in for a couple of hours. Wash it with an Ayurvedic herbal shampoo.

4. Brahmi

This herb is a natural remedy for hair loss and regrowth derived from Brahmi leaves.

Benefits of Brahmi for Hair:

Hair benefits of Brahmi include:

  • Improves Hair Strength: Brahmi oil enhances blood circulation of the scalp and provides the required oxygen and nutrients that stimulate hair follicles. This ensures healthy hair growth.
  • Improves Hair Thickness: Brahmi contains potent alkaloids that bind to proteins in your hair shaft and promote hair thickness.
  • Improves Hair Thinning: Brahmi leaves are meant for thinning hair as they strengthen weak hair follicles, leading to hair loss. Regular use of Brahmi oil can prevent hair thinning and increase hair strength.
  • Reduces Stress Related Hair Fall: Brahmi reduces the level of the stress hormone cortisol, which is known to increase hair fall. Therefore, using Brahmi reduces hair fall and helps regrow hair.

How to Use Brahmi for Hair?

Brahmi should not be consumed. A regular Brahmi oil massage is best to benefit from Brahmi’s properties. Combining it with Bhringraj or other Ayurvedic herb oils can enhance their hair regrowth properties.

You can try Brahmi enriched ForMen Hair Growth Oil for strong and thick hair growth.

ForMen Onion and Black Seed Hair Growth Oil
Buy Onion & Black Seed Hair Growth Oil

5. Amla (Gooseberry)

Amla or gooseberry is extremely common in Indian households. This herb is used for its rich vitamin C content, from chutneys to pickles and amla powder.

Amazing Benefits of Amla for Hair:

Few hair benefits of this herb are:

  • Good for Your Scalp: Amla is rich in antioxidants, including vitamin C. These help prevent and treat dandruff while removing dirt, grease and grime from your hair follicles. 
  • Nourishes Your Follicles: Massaging your scalp with amla boosts circulation and provides your follicles with the required nutrients, thereby promoting hair growth.
  • Prevents Greying: The strong antioxidants in amla prevent premature loss of hair pigment, thereby delaying greying of hair.

How to Use Amla for Hair?

There are several ways to use amla. Massaging amla oil on your scalp boosts blood circulation, promoting hair growth. Consuming amla juice every morning can improve overall health, including hair.

Try Formen Hair Regrowth Kit that contains Shampoo and Serum. Amla present in Serum makes wonders in stimulating hair growth and  preventing hair loss.

6. Jatamansi

This is a rhizome of a shrub and is known to speed up hair growth. Jatamansi has strong anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that are great for your hair.

How Jatamansi Helps Hair?

Here are some hair benefits of Jatamanasi:

  • Prevents Hair Fall: Jatamansi keeps your scalp well-nourished, stimulating healthy hair growth. It also strengthens the roots of the hair.
  • Soften Hair: This is one of the ayurvedic herbs for dry hair. It is beneficial for people with frizzy and brittle hair as well. Applying Jatamansi oil to your scalp and tresses can help soften them.
  • Adds Lustre to Your Hair: Regular massaging with Jatamansi oil moisturises your hair and makes it shinier and silkier.
  • Prevents Greying: Jatamansi’s medicinal properties prevent premature loss of hair pigment, thereby delaying greying.

How to Use Jatamansi for Hair?

The best form to use Jatamansi is using the oil. Regular massaging with this Ayurvedic oil or combining it with the best ayurvedic herbs for hair growth like Brahmi or Bhringraj enhances the hair benefits. 

7. Fenugreek

Fenugreek or methi seeds and leaves are a routine herb used in Indian cooking. This herb is rich in folic acid, vitamins A, C and K, nicotinic acid and proteins. These nutrients are extremely healthy for your body, especially your hair.

How Fenugreek Helps Hair?

Common hair benefits of fenugreek include:

  • Relieves Scalp Issues: Applying methi oil to your scalp boosts circulation and reduces scalp issues like itching, flaking and drying. Using methi regularly also resolves dry scalp conditions.
  • Strengthening Hair: Methi nourishes your hair follicles, strengthening hair strands, preventing hair fall, hair thinning and baldness.
  • Increases Hair Volume: Since methi fenugreek promotes hair growth, it also boosts hair volume and density.
  • Reduces Hair Breakage: Fenugreek is also known to strengthen the hair shaft and prevent hair breakage.

How to Use Fenugreek for Hair?

You can heat some oil and add a few fenugreek seeds to it. Allow it to soak in the oil, and apply this warm oil to your scalp and hair. Massage well. You can also make a fenugreek hair mask by combining fenugreek powder with curd. Apply this to your hair and scalp. Allow it to sit for some time. Wash it off with herbal Ayurvedic shampoo.

Relieve all your scalp voes with dermatologically tested hair care products. Shop the top products made from ayurvedic herbs for hair loss now!

8. Panikoorka

Panikoorka leaves are an age-old herbal medicine for good health. Essential oil from the leaves, a decoction or leaf extract can be used for hair growth. 

How Panikoorka Helps Hair?

Also called Karpooravalli, the Panikoorka leaves have antibacterial properties that prevent bacterial infections, which can affect the scalp and cause hair loss.

How to Use Panikoorka for Hair?

Panikoorka leaves are easy to use for hair growth. To prepare a hair mask, make a fine paste of the Panikoorka leaves and add rose water or honey to it. Mix well and apply this paste to your scalp. Leave it in for 2 to 3 hours. Wash it off well with any herbal shampoo.

9. Kalmegh

A widely used medicinal plant, it is also called the ‘Green Chiretta’. It acts as an immunostimulant and helps treat conditions like fevers. This herb has a cooling and purifying effect on the body. Kalmegh is also known to control allergies and has strong antioxidant properties. According to Ayurvedic principles, Kalmegha helps balance Pitta and Kapha doshas, which means it’s great for restoring hair health.

How Kalmegh Benefits Hair?

Few hair benefits of this herb include:

  • It prevents dandruff and keeps the scalp clean and free of infections.
  • Reduces itching and flaking of scalp owing to its anti-inflammatory properties
  • Nourishes hair follicles and strengthens hair.

How to use Kalmegh for Hair?

The best way to consume Kalmegh is by adding 1-2 tsp of the juice to water and drinking it. Kalmegh capsules are also readily available that can be taken after meals twice a day.

10. Manjistha

Manjistha, also called the Indian Madder, is a popular herb for hair growth. It is a blood purifying herb that can dye your hair without harsh chemical products. This ayurvedic herb is known for its antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Benefits of Manjistha for Hair

Popular hair benefits of Manjistha are:

  • Preserves Natural Hair Colour: Manjistha’s antioxidant properties prevent premature greying and keep your tresses looking young and healthy.
  • Prevents Hair Loss: Manjistha oil has antioxidant and anti-stress properties, which protect the hair follicles and prevent hair loss.
  • Strengthens Your Hair: Manjistha oil nourishes the hair follicles and the shaft, keeping your hair strong and lustrous.

How to Use Manjistha for Hair?

You can use Manjistha oil or powder. To prepare a hair mask, take Manjistha hair powder and mix it with honey or rose water. Mix well and apply this paste to your scalp and hair. Leave it in for at least two to three hours before washing it off.

You can also massage Manjistha oil on your scalp and hair. Mixing it with other herbs or essential oils can improve hair benefits.

Hair fall is a common problem, and most of us experience this condition in our lifetime. Ayurvedic principles and techniques have proved not just to prevent hair fall but also improve hair growth. The best ayurvedic herbs for hair are commonly available and are increasingly used in various hair care products to enhance hair growth and help your tresses stay strong and healthy.

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Disclaimer: The information provided on this page is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any questions or concerns about your health, please talk to a healthcare professional.

1 comment

  • ayurvedic-multivitamin-tablets

    I’m a registered dietitian and I believe that ayurvedic multivitamin tablets can be a valuable part of a healthy diet. They’re a convenient way to get the nutrients that you may not be getting from your food. However, it’s important to talk to your doctor before taking any supplements, especially if you have any underlying health conditions.

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